Friday, February 18, 2011

Music night 07 January

music night -Feb 18 part two

lmusic night-Feb 18 part one

When you are suffering From Winter Blues

Winter in Canada seems very long and by mid January it's been my experience to suffer with winter blues.
To combat this problem I had to recognize the repeated pattern for that season and prepare for it.
The dark months, less activity and fresh air combined with a diet of higher carbohydrates increased the problem. The extra ten to fifteen pounds I gain every winter did little for my self image as well.
Taking vitamins, walking for even ten minutes out doors daily and watching my consumption of carbohydrates has helped.
For me the greatest remedy for winter blues was the decision to host a Friday evening music night three years ago. In the beginning we alternated between music and movies,Now it is music and food.
Being surrounded by close friends enjoying a meal, light conversation and music has done wonders for me.
If you suffer through winter as I did, perhaps some of my strategies will help you.